We get it.

Visiting a church is a weird experience. Whether you’ve been in Church your whole life, or have connected with us online through the last couple of years, it’s hard to walk through the doors of a church for the first time.

But we believe that through Worshipping, Learning, Serving, and Connecting with a faith family like this one, is the most positive change you can make. So we want to clear that path for you as much as we can.

  • Everyone is welcome. CPC is a family Church and believes that every single person is made in the image of God and worthy of love.

    CPC is also an intergenerational church so we work hard to match each person with the space they need to grow into the person God made them to be.

  • Our worship team works to make sure that every week cultivates a sense of awe, inspiration, gratitude, and purpose.

    To do this, we use music, video, conversation, and teaching.

  • Every week, Worship starts on Sunday morning at 10am.

    And, you can join us anytime on YouTube.

  • That’s a great question.

    We believe that our city is wrestling with isolation and loneliness that we’re not equipped to handle on our own. Church gathers because it reminds us that we’re not alone.